Being a loan officer, are you looking to build relationship with realtors? Have you been told by other loan officers to be cautious about realtors? Have you ever felt being snubbed by real estate agents when tried to approach them?

It is essential for a loan officer to have diverse relationships to get the maximum number of 1003 application form. However, there are various loan officers who are averse to work with real estate agents for some reason or the other. This article is a guideline for all the loan officers to create a solid and long term relationship with realtors and making the most out of it.

It starts with finding the agents and their bio data. There are various ways to get information about realtors and the kind of work they have been doing. Off lately, Linked In has emerged as best and most sought after platform to do this exercise. Linked In is a social platform for professionals where they upload their profiles. Loan officers who are looking for good agents to be their partner should start with this as it will give them knowledge about agent’s past and based on that information they can come up with more potent strategy to approach real estate agents.

Once you have made the list of realtors you should be targeting and approaching to be your business partner, next step is approaching them in an effective way. Bear in mind, a real estate agent is approached by approximately twenty loan officers in a week. How will you stand out? Here are some tips:

·         Your first call should not sound like a sales call. Do not dig deeper in the first conversation, keep it simple and make it more like an introductory call.

·         Write down on the paper before making a call that how you can create value for the agent and why it is beneficial for him to work for you.

·         No matter how impressive is your track record and for how many years you have given to this field, no one have enough time to listen to your rant. Create a precise and to-the-point version of your profile.

·         “Practice makes a man perfect”. Make sure you are impressively eloquent when it comes talking about key benefits of forging a partnership with you.

·         Be a good listener: communication is not just an art of speaking but an art of listening also. You will come across various realtors who want to talk a lot. Treat them the way they want to be treated.

·         Do not forget to give him your mortgage website address. Website, if made well, can do wonder for you. Moreover, setting up a website is no more a chore since the inception of mortgage website templates.

·         Another effective way to start communication with realtor is email. Send them an introductory email and set up a time for telephonic conversation. 

In today’s era of technology, irrespective of the scale of business, what connects it to rest of the world is “website”. Unfortunately, while some businesses have made fortunes out of it; others have witnessed a disaster. Website design is the key factor behind success and failure of every website. This article will highlight some web designing ingredients that can make or break the mortgage website.Web content: it is all about creating a value for the visitor and content is key in this regard. People visit websites to find the information they are looking for; therefore make sure there is ample information for visitor which could easily be fathomed. For instance, if you have a reverse mortgage websites, make sure content essentially is about reverse mortgage. Other than information, content’s presentation has to be very good. Poor spelling and grammar mistakes will make bad impression of a website.

Website’s compatibility with browsers: there are myriad of browsers around. Website must be designed in a way to be compatible with at least all the famous browsers. All the users do not happen to be tech savvy; they either do not have the enough time to upgrade the browser or download new one or they simply do not know how to do it. They follow the simple rule “as long as it’s working; no need to fix it”.  A brilliantly designed website must work with major browsers like Microsoft internet explorer, Firefox, opera and Netscape at least.

Photos and graphics: studies have shown that if a web page takes more than 10 seconds to load; visitor will switch to another website. Therefore, be extremely cautious about the about the size of graphic files and photos on the web page.

Multimedia: multimedia consists of video and audio clips, background music, pictures and flash movies. A good website is the one that cater both kinds of visitors; those who want to see all this and those who do not want to.

Creating a text of the information given in multimedia for those who do not want to see multimedia is also a great facility for the visitor. Also, if a plug in is required provide a link. Last but never the least; never forget the “ten seconds rule”.

Navigation of the site: studies have shown that if a visitor does not found the required information within three clicks; will click away. We can call it the “three click rule”. Ensure that visitor reaches to required area within three clicks from any other area of the website. Navigation becomes more significant in case of residential mortgage websites.

Conclusion: a best website is the one that saves the visitor’s time and provides the relevant information. A website that does it well will certainly lead to success.

Article Resource: http://imortgagesites.wordpress.com/2013/04/04/ingredients-of-brilliantly-designed-mortgage-website/


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